Sun Apr 30 06:22:49 2023 (*6952cd93*):: I somehow missed this story… it’s like the Christmas truce but in the ww2 skies https://theaviationgeekclub.com/the-epic-story-of-the-luftwaffe-bf-109-pilot-who-saved-t[…]american-b-17-by-escorting-the-bomber-over-the-north-sea/ +public! *** The epic story of the Luftwaffe Bf 109 pilot who saved the lives of the crew of a badly damaged American B-17 by escorting the crippled bomber over the North Sea – The Aviation Geek Club *** The epic story of the Luftwaffe Bf 109 pilot who saved the lives of the crew of a badly damaged American B-17 by escorting the crippled bomber over the North Sea *** The Aviation Geek Club
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