Fri Feb 2 05:32:36 2024 (*4297a328*):: (*54b3f3ac*):: interesting. was a bit surprised by the fatherland. germany will rise again??
(*7f971682*):: Men, it unfortunately feels like we are going to be using #protest / #riot channels up this year. Consolidate? (*7f971682*):: I’d like a cooler consolidation # Channel name than either of those two (*4297a328*):: lol didnt even know #protest existed (*7f971682*):: Haha ha. Like any old fashioned protest exists anymore (*54b3f3ac*):: for the most bestest libtards they do! (*54b3f3ac*):: riot should stay. axe protest cause they are FaG anywayz (*6952cd93*):: Inb4 blacks say the first Ukranians were black +public! (*54b3f3ac*):: ukrainian bitches are traditional. AND white. hmmm
(*54b3f3ac*):: dont cross them tho. they might stab you. my uncle in germany is married to one. she cool af and her daughter tried to bang me. but man they dont play.
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