Fri Oct 14 21:36:09 2022 (*3bd42332*):: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tulsi-gabbard-leaves-democratic-party-denounces-elitist-cabal *** Tulsi Gabbard leaves Democratic Party, denounces it as ‘elitist cabal’ *** Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party on Tuesday. She condemned the organization for bending to “anti-white racism.” *** Fox News (*4e3d9761*):: (*3bd42332*):: +public! Fuck you Gabs (*4cfb807c*):: +public! Gun-Grabbie Gabbie aka Trilateral commission member Gabbie, aka Fuck you Gabs +1 (*b05743e5*):: Crisis actor, product of clown school, attention whore. Iffy XX.
(*6952cd93*):: Dont worry guyz I got her sorted out since then (*54b3f3ac*):: Is that Rouge?! (*b05743e5*):: are you saying you verified her with the Crocodile Dundee test? 😉 (*b05743e5*):: cool pic. maybe i’m just “seeing things” but i keep seeing her express symbolism on just about every picture she poses for, including this one. interesting player, no trusty (*9cb05920*):: Oh shittt. You be banging hair streak babes.
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