Tue Jan 23 22:02:40 2024 (*7f971682*):: +public!
(*4297a328*):: Oh fugg (*75de6f1e*):: I’ve seen another video like that.. but the soldier guy runs in circles around something very much smaller with the drone taking him out. That is as dystopian as anyhting. Reminds me of this game Half-Life I played many years ago. What a nightmare.. literally (*75de6f1e*):: They need to arm these guys with shotguns and improved cylinder of modified choke.. (*75de6f1e*):: The worst part is that it isn’t high tech stuff really.. Russia will catch up in capability sooner than later. It is a matter of production and they don’t need huge factories to produce low-tech drones… you could 3d print them if given the motors/rotors. (*75de6f1e*):: Quality control isn’t super important.. if one has a defect they’re out 2k or whatever (*4cfb807c*):: Yup, I was just gonna say … Skeet 4 ur life
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