Mon Nov 6 19:06:04 2023 (*4297a328*):: (*6952cd93*):: +public!
Sun Nov 5 14:38:46 2023 (*09c0102a*):: (*4297a328*):: Rekt +public! (*54b3f3ac*):: needs something ref the dems or clinton and it would be perfect lolz (*4297a328*):: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/17o4z39/caroline_who_defrauded_ftx_customers_14_billion/ *** Caroline who defrauded FTX… Continue Reading
Sun Nov 5 04:31:46 2023 (*09c0102a*):: (*4297a328*):: Rekt +public! (*54b3f3ac*):: needs something ref the dems or clinton and it would be perfect lolz
Sat Nov 4 19:07:29 2023 (*09c0102a*):: (*4297a328*):: Rekt +public! (*54b3f3ac*):: yall ever heard of this? (*6952cd93*):: nope. that 10x though (*54b3f3ac*):: and been bullish the entire time (*7f971682*):: Ya. You… Continue Reading