Fri Jan 12 02:50:42 2024 (*4cfb807c*)::
(*71144c1d*):: This is cute. During COVID, the Federal Reserve lowered the required reserve ratio in the United States from 10% to 0%, and it has not been changed back since.
https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm *** Reserve Requirements *** The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. *** federalreserve.gov (*4297a328*):: +public! (*4cfb807c*):: So… Zero reserve banking! (*4297a328*):: Federal “we literally dont” reserve anything
(*6952cd93*):: who needs reserves when we can print, baby!!! brrrrrr (*4cfb807c*):: (*71144c1d*):: This is cute. During COVID, the Federal Reserve lowered the required reserve ratio in the United States from 10% to 0%, and it has not been changed back since.
https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm *** Reserve Requirements *** The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. *** federalreserve.gov
(*4297a328*):: +public! (*4cfb807c*):: So… Zero reserve banking! (*4297a328*):: Federal “we literally dont” reserve anything
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