Thu Nov 17 01:08:40 2022 (*6952cd93*):: Divided, gridlocked government is best government https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republicans-one-seat-away-winning-house-us-midterm-vote-2022-11-16/ +public! *** Republicans win U.S. House majority, setting stage for divided government *** Republicans were projected to win a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, setting the stage for two years of divided government as President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party held control of the Senate. *** Reuters
(*3bd42332*):: Maybe we should start a bitcoin caucus (*6952cd93*):: How would this even get started? Like in a practical sense? (*6952cd93*):: I want to somehow start a hardcore debate series, where we openly talk about controversial shit in a public forum, no punches pulled. I’m so damn sick of the pathetic language and rhetoric of modern politics. What ever happened to the ethos of “when people stop being polite, and start getting real”? We are all knee deep in life and death shit right now- kumbaya pat-a-cake let’s worry about feelings :pussy_hat: shit needs to be flushed down the toilet and shouted out of the public fora (*6952cd93*):: There is no public physical space for this anywhere that I’ve seen. The (((content police))) always emerge and try to stymie all honest, REAL debate (*3bd42332*):: Maybe we should start a bitcoin caucus (*6952cd93*):: How would this even get started? Like in a practical sense?
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