Thu Jan 19 15:24:24 2023 (*4e3d9761*):: https://medicalkidnap.com/2020/12/18/vaccine-whistleblower-brandy-vaughan-found-dead-inside-her-own-home-as-police-open-investigation/ *** Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Found Dead Inside Her Own Home as Police Open Investigation – Medical Kidnap *** Vaccine whistleblower Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of
(*4cfb807c*):: +public! (*4e3d9761*):: She describes the stalking here: https://odysee.com/@scamdemic:7d/brandyvaughan:eb *** Former Pharmaceutical Rep and Anti-Vaxx Activist Brandy Vaughan Dies at 44 of Blood Clot in Artery *** Santa Barbara Coroner Concluded Brandy Vaughan Died of Natural Causes! *** Odysee (*4cfb807c*):: +public! (*4e3d9761*)::
(*4cfb807c*):: +public! (*4e3d9761*):: I want to learn more, but I think when you look at the industrial process of manufactoring mRNA products, you could probably make many different types of mrna products with the same industrial base. (*54b3f3ac*):: My buddy worked in a bio tech lab for 10 years trying to develop mrna drugs. Specifically for cancer. They never got anything approved. No one has. Even the Pfizer ceo mentioned this on the roll out of cv vaxs and was surprised. The only reason they even were allowed and still are is bc trump enacted the emergency authorization. Which keeps getting extended. If it gets pulled they will have to put it thru all the hoops and stuff. and even the fda never approves any mrna. Its kinda of an odd situation. I mean how long will we be in emergency mode? (*54b3f3ac*):: And its been easy to dupe ppl. Unfortunately. They done it with food, cancer treatments and most medical shit, 911, elections. Hell they duped people with the legal weed saying it would go to schools when almost none has. I mean there are so many. And of course covid was one if the biggest dupes. Unfortunately it seems like they already got the plan going by getting 70 plus percent of the world jabbed. Its killing babies and adults alike. I mean fetal heart attacks is a thing now. Maybe the only way to even get the mrna out was to use fear and do the emergency shit cause even the corrupt fda wouldn’t pass that shit. Thats something to chew on for a sec I think. Maybe that was the plan and now it playing out. I know alot of people that have heart issues since getting them. My friends wife had 4 strokes last year due to these weird white clots. Bill gates did mention the way to help the world is to reduce the population by 10 to 15pct using reproductive services and new vaccines. Glad he is the expert doctor. (*4cfb807c*):: That’s rough man, you don’t want to have a stroke e ever, I’m very health conscious in my 30s to avoid that kind of thing in my later years
(*4cfb807c*):: Much like 9/11 emergencies that were extended indefinitely
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