Thu Mar 23 20:13:39 2023 (*f763ed18*):: https://twitter.com/Edward__Bernays/status/1438131799243243523 (*6952cd93*):: My spooky psyop girl :heart_eyes: (*5b5b0ae5*)::
(*6952cd93*):: +public! (*4cfb807c*):: Oh shit, we should filter LinkedIn and other known academia metadata endpoints and filter by International Relations & Economics dual majors and see what personas web out to positions of employment (*4cfb807c*):: We could probably map every known spook from that edge metric alone (*4cfb807c*):: And w/ modest AI and counter-psyop objectives probably fuck their shit up really badly (*4cfb807c*):: Why does the :+1: emojio look all anemic and malnourished ?
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