Mon Dec 12 01:06:18 2022 (*6952cd93*):: if GBTC is dissolved and peeps get coin for their shares…. that should be bullish since the discount will vanish- unless they’re planning to haircut according to the current discount off NAV which would really suck…. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/12/09/bernstein-says-saving-grayscale-will-come-at-a-cost-for-digital-currency-group/ +public! *** Bernstein Says Saving Grayscale Will Come at a Cost for Digital Currency Group *** A feasible deal could involve a large minority partner or a buyout-like structure led by more strategic partners, Bernstein said. *** coindesk.com (*896dff9b*):: https://doomberg.substack.com/p/trust-but-verify *** Trust But Verify *** A new lawsuit filed in Delaware is likely to force verification of GBTC’s assets. *** doomberg.substack.com (*6952cd93*):: They probably have it because if they don’t then coinbase custosy gets screwed for fraud too
(*4cfb807c*):: $16.9k
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