Crypto ATX Bitcoin Primer
This article was originally published as a Google document for our investment group’s Bitcoin outreach activities. It is meant to be a quick and concise primer for people with little… Continue Reading
This article was originally published as a Google document for our investment group’s Bitcoin outreach activities. It is meant to be a quick and concise primer for people with little… Continue Reading
The following debate was spurred by the AlterNet article (( regarding Chris Rock’s recent statements on inequality. So what’s the solution? Central planning and forced redistribution so nobody but bureaucrats… Continue Reading
cryptocurrency, economics, government
Cryptocurrency is frequently maligned because of its purported lack of fundamental, intrinsic value. While it can be argued that decentralized transaction networks do have intrinsic value in that a third… Continue Reading
economics, government, philosophy
Has sociopathy destroyed the natural state of the self determined individual? Do people really need external structures to provide the framework for their lives? Have we been convinced of this… Continue Reading
The news that Fidor bank out of Germany is now using ripple internally is actually quite incredible. Fidor is The bank Kraken uses for their euro deposits. Hopefully kraken can… Continue Reading
economics, government, philosophy
Capitalism can be seen as mirroring a naturally occurring process. It is no more imposed on society than the theory of relativity is imposed on physical reality. Without any given… Continue Reading