Wed May 3 05:10:58 2023 (*6952cd93*):: unpopular opinion time: congress critters insider trading is literally the least problematic thing these people get up to. If people are pissed that they’re… Continue Reading
Wed May 3 05:10:58 2023 (*6952cd93*):: unpopular opinion time: congress critters insider trading is literally the least problematic thing these people get up to. If people are pissed that they’re… Continue Reading
Tue May 2 14:15:54 2023 (*6952cd93*):: :clownnuke: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/01/congress-debt-limit-deadline-biden-mccarthy/ if there is no plan to lower debt and cut spending and mass fedgov layoffs like we are experiencing in the real… Continue Reading
Tue May 2 03:00:30 2023 (*4e3d9761*):: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-6886561/Cell-phone-tower-shut-elementary-school-eight-kids-diagnosed-cancer.html *** Phone tower shut down at school after eight kids diagnosed with cancer *** The affected students at Weston Elementary School in Rippon… Continue Reading
Tue May 2 01:33:23 2023 (*6952cd93*):: :clownnuke: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/05/01/congress-debt-limit-deadline-biden-mccarthy/ if there is no plan to lower debt and cut spending and mass fedgov layoffs like we are experiencing in the real… Continue Reading